Saturday, August 07, 2004

President Bush is clearly calling Senator Kerry out. After watching this video I don't expect we will get any answers from the Senator.
Can this guy possibly be serious? Remember - this is the station that admitted being an apologist for Saddam! CNN is slipping in the ratings because of their slanted coverage along with strange statements like Pasons'.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Hey! This Boston Globe reporter is clearly not biased the way those rabid Fox people are.
Hey! Outta my way lady!! I've got issues to obfuscate!
Hey! Outta my way lady!! I've got issues to obfuscate!
This would be the best solution I have heard regarding the attack ads from Swiftvets, ACT, Move-on, etc.- President Bush's suggestion

Thursday, August 05, 2004

What would the NY Times say about Bill O'Reilly if he commented that somone isn't Black in the usual way?" (
Thank God we now know what "The Boss" thinks about politics. I was afraid I would have to make up my mind reading about the facts and listening to economists and social scientists. SOmeone ought to point out to the Boss that he's the guy living in the Mansion on the Hill.

Is there anyone out there who really wants to vote for the candidate endorsed by Bruce, Howard Stern, Ludacriss, Larry Flynt and Michael Moore?
Perfect! Mr. "Bowling for Columbine", has pulled a "Rosie" according to Spike Lee. Armed guards! I guess guns are OK for some people.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Is it just me, or does it seem curious that in a four day convention, more was said about Kerry's four months in Viet Nam than about his 30 years in the Senate?