Saturday, August 28, 2004

As this stuff keeps coming, you have to wonder why the Kerry people don't simply come clean with his records. This "death by a thousand cuts" can't be in his best interest. The only plausible answer seems to be that the records will reflect poorly on the candidate.

Friday, August 27, 2004

I think Donn Esmonde is either naive or disingenuous if he thinks Joel Giambra would gain public support for being contrite. A question no one seems to be asking is "Since when is a grand jury, made up of retired steelworkers, elementary school teachers, plumbers and hairdressers, suddenly looked at as a source of credible management consulting advice?
Sheldon Silver should go, and so should any local politician who supports him. Frankly, the same is true for anyone who supports Bruno for that matter. The one thing I admire most about Brian Higgins is that he had the guts to stand up to Sheldon Silver while Sam Hoyt chickened out.
Does anyone in Buffalo feel somehow more at ease now that the Buffalo Controller, who couldn't seem to notice the city sinking into bankruptcy is now going to audit the control board's whopping $1.2 million budget? How about auditing the number of city vehicles, mileage reimbursements for council members, etc.? This is a joke!
The Chicago Sun Times has written perhaps what is the first article that looks at the accusations made by the Swift Boat Veterans for truth without attacking the messengers. The message has not made its way too far into the mainstream, however it is getting harder and harder for the Kerry people to look credible.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Like a beautiful but poorly made cashmere sweater with a few strings hanging from it, witha few tugs and the whole thing begins to fall apart.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Which of the "two Americas" do Edwards and Kerry live in?
Apparently not one of those "elusive" foreign leaders . . .
If only John Kerry were even half a man. Yeah, it is the Bush campaign that is negative. Be a man and rebut the critics. And while you are at it, tell us all who the war criminals were, 30 years later . . .
Wow! So Janet Jackson was conspiring with the President to distract attention from Iraq? Seems more plausible that she was using her nipple to distract attention from her and her brother's struggling careers.
Kerry's whining about the collusion of the Bush Campaign is laughable, particularly giventhe clear connectionbetween Kerry Edwards and Billionaires like Soros and the Kerry 527 groups. Rather than address the issues, Kerry continues to try to deflect discussion to attacks on the President and on the 250 honorable veterans that disput Kerry's twisted version of history.
Perhaps this explains Kerry's remark about friends from other countries wanting to see him elected.
John Kerry, for all his "nuance", is really quite simple minded. When a group of 250 heroes question his version of history, he can only respnd like the slow witted child on the playground, and rather than address the argument belittle the accusers. And then, trying to change the subject, opens himself up to a comparison with a real leader.