Wednesday, September 29, 2004

High School?

The author of this piece does a nice, albeit misguided attempt at describing this election in high school terms. I think college is more appropriate. Think Animal House. Bush is definitely Eric "Otter" Stratton. Kerry is the quintessential Omega Man Greg Marmalard.

I don't buy his image of Kerry (like today's NYT piece) that paints Kerry as the tough closer. Yeah - a liberal incumbent Dem "came back to beat a Rep". What an accomplishment!! At least he (and the times, and AP) are remaining upbeat and doing what they can to help. The rest have begun to simply cast aspersions on the electorate.

1 comment:

Bd said...

Sure, the simple truth is Kerry supporters know the truth, read and watch the news and know when they are being manipulated by the media. They also know the distortions about the charges of Kerry being a flip-flopper and how Bush is the true flop. They know that Bush is the dim witted puppet and his evil staff who surrounded his father in 92-and hated the fact that George H had the wisdom to leave Iraq before 'destabilizing the whole region' - pretty much run the government.

Those who support Bush buy this fear mongering shit and believe Bush and Cheney who still contradict the 9/11 Commission's report which stated there were no WMD's in Iraq and no ties to Al Queda. They contradict it and lie because they have save their asses. Bush supporters pretty much have a redneck mentality about kicking butt around the world. I have always had disagreement on politics with people but now when I find out a person is a Bush supporter, I think there is something wrong with them or they are flawed somehow.

Now there ARE educated Bush supporters (who are not rich) they are the ones who know and support Bush's true unspoken agenda. The one which entails the forced democratization in oil rich countries like Iraq. The plan Cheny, Rove and Rummy have had for years have been waiting for a good puppet like Bush to squeak it through. ( It amounts to colonization and imperialism and that's not what this country is about. It will come back to haunt us for generation as you know these arabs can hold a grudge for thousands of years! We are in over our heads. What will happen when Bush starts a war with Iran-a country that has a real army and air force? Or even more likely, when Iran invades Iraq?