Dear Michael Moron: (Please disregard any typos, as this was done on a 1972 IBM selectric typewriter with superscripts, but no spell check)
Thanks for your letter. If you are out of breath, you might consider a change in diet. I kid.... Anyway, I know you are genuinely interested in the issues, so I will attempt to explain it to you. Don't worry, I have a grasp of your acumen, so I will type s-l-o-w-l-y.
First of all, I should point out that there have been tremendous breakthroughs in understanding the human genome. One thing they have found was that conventional thinking had been correct, and the thoughts of one generation are not controlled by the previous one. That is good news for any offspring you might ever have. With that in mind, I will jump right to your 2000 paragraph. Before I do, though, let me point out that throughout history, nation states have formed alliances with other nation states only to have world events impact those alliances. Would a photo of FDR, Winston Churchill and Stalin grinning upset you as much as the one to which you refer? IF so, it is good that you are not a student of history.
I would tell Mr. Lehrer the same thing I told him in 2000. In fact, I believe it remains one of the things that differentiates me from my current opponent - "I believe the role of the military is to fight and win war and, therefore, prevent war from happening in the first place". As Mr. Kerry mentioned just yesterday - Iraq is a magnet for terrorists. I believe it is better to fight them in Najaf than Newark.
As your 2001 quote of Dr. Rice and Secretary Powell suggest, our early assessment of Saddam Hussein was that he was kept in check by the UN and opponents within his country. Do you disagree? Should we have acted sooner?
I am not sure what to make of your "Late 2001" quote. It does of course include a link to that Reputable "News Program" 60 Minutes, quoting a disgruntled former employee and all, but still.... I am quoted, via these two filters, as saying "Saddam! Find out if there's a connection.'" That would seem to most to be an earnest attempt at fact finding, wouldn't you think? I know you do things differently in your "documentaries", but I prefer to act based on facts.
That brings us to 2003. I didn't change my mind about why we chose to invade. There were countless reasons for invading, and I believe if you check the record, when I spoke to the American people, I went through a long list of them. Perhaps the list was longer than your attention span, but perhaps you can re-read it.
Next, let me quote you "
2003: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Yes, everyone saw you say it -- in costume, no less!"
Michael - again, I am not sure if you are having trouble separating your fantasy "docu-life" from reality, bit I wonder who it is that "saw me say that"? Your question was asked (much more intelligently) just about a year ago. Let me refer you to the transcript
Q Mr. President, if I may take you back to May 1st when you stood on the USS Lincoln under a huge banner that said, "Mission Accomplished." At that time you declared major combat operations were over, but since that time there have been over 1,000 wounded, many of them amputees who are recovering at Walter Reed, 217 killed in action since that date. Will you acknowledge now that you were premature in making those remarks?
THE PRESIDENT: Nora, I think you ought to look at my speech. I said, Iraq is a dangerous place and we've still got hard work to do, there's still more to be done. And we had just come off a very successful military operation. I was there to thank the troops.
The "Mission Accomplished" sign, of course, was put up by the members of the USS Abraham Lincoln, saying that their mission was accomplished. I know it was attributed some how to some ingenious advance man from my staff -- they weren't that ingenious, by the way. But my statement was a clear statement, basically recognizing that this phase of the war for Iraq was over and there was a lot of dangerous work. And it's proved to be right, it is dangerous in Iraq. It's dangerous in Iraq because there are people who can't stand the thought of a free and peaceful Iraq. It is dangerous in Iraq because there are some who believe that we're soft, that the will of the United States can be shaken by suiciders -- and suiciders who are willing to drive up to a Red Cross center, a center of international help and aid and comfort, and just kill.
It's the same mentality, by the way, that attacked us on September the 11th, 2001: we'll just destroy innocent life and watch the great United States and their friends and allies crater in the face of hardship. It's the exact same mentality. And Iraq is a part of the war on terror. I said it's a central front, a new front in the war on terror, and that's exactly what it is. And that's why it's important for us to be tough and strong and diligent.
Our strategy in Iraq is to have strike forces ready and capable to move quickly as we gather actionable intelligence. That's how you deal with terrorists. Remember, these are people that are willing to hide in societies and kill randomly. And therefore, the best way to deal with them is to harden targets, harden assets as best as you can. That means blockades and inspection spots. And, as you notice, yesterday, one fellow tried to -- was done in as a he tried to conduct a suicide mission. In other words, an Iraqi policemen did their job.
But, as well, that we've got to make sure that not only do we harden targets, but that we get actionable intelligence to intercept the missions before they begin. That means more Iraqis involved in the intelligence-gathering systems in their country so that they are active participants in securing the country from further harm.
Remember, the action in Iraq was -- to get rid of Saddam Hussein was widely supported by the Iraqi people. And the action -- the actions that we're taking to improve their country are supported by the Iraqi people. And it's going to be very important for the Iraqi people to play an active role in fighting off the few who are trying to destroy the hopes of the many. You've heard me say that before. That's just kind of the motto of the terrorists. It's the way they operate.
So Michael, you see, if you are interested in a conversation based in reality, I am sure you can find it. Your simple ad hominem attacks and your straw man arguments make me believe otherwise, however. Please keep up the good work though, as every time you or Whoopi, Carrot Top or Ben Affleck open your mouths I feel a little more wind at my back (Kerry wind surfing metaphor, get it?).
DR for GWB
Dear Mr. Bush,
I am so confused. Where exactly do you stand on the issue of Iraq? You, your Dad, Rummy, Condi, Colin, and Wolfie -- you have all changed your minds so many times, I am out of breath just trying to keep up with you!
Which of these 10 positions that you, your family and your cabinet have taken over the years represents your CURRENT thinking:
1983-88: WE LOVE SADDAM. On December 19, 1983, Donald Rumsfeld was sent by your dad and Mr. Reagan to go and have a friendly meeting with Saddam Hussein, the dictator of Iraq. Rummy looked so happy in the picture. Just twelve days after this visit, Saddam gassed thousands of Iranian troops. Your dad and Rummy seemed pretty happy with the results because The Donald R. went back to have another chummy hang-out with Saddams right-hand man, Tariq Aziz, just four months later. All of this resulted in the U.S. providing credits and loans to Iraq that enabled Saddam to buy billions of dollars worth of weapons and chemical agents. The Washington Post reported that your dad and Reagan let it be known to their Arab allies that the Reagan/Bush administration wanted Iraq to win its war with Iran and anyone who helped Saddam accomplish this was a friend of ours.
1990: WE HATE SADDAM. In 1990, when Saddam invaded Kuwait, your dad and his defense secretary, Dick Cheney, decided they didn't like Saddam anymore so they attacked Iraq and returned Kuwait to its rightful dictators.
1991: WE WANT SADDAM TO LIVE. After the war, your dad and Cheney and Colin Powell told the Shiites to rise up against Saddam and we would support them. So they rose up. But then we changed our minds. When the Shiites rose up against Saddam, the Bush inner circle changed its mind and decided NOT to help the Shiites. Thus, they were massacred by Saddam.
1998: WE WANT SADDAM TO DIE. In 1998, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and others, as part of the Project for the New American Century, wrote an open letter to President Clinton insisting he invade and topple Saddam Hussein.
2000: WE DON'T BELIEVE IN WAR AND NATION BUILDING. Just three years later, during your debate with Al Gore in the 2000 election, when asked by the moderator Jim Lehrer where you stood when it came to using force for regime change, you turned out to be a downright pacifist:
I--I would take the use of force very seriously. I would be guarded in my approach. I don't think we can be all things to all people in the world. I think we've got to be very careful when we commit our troops. The vice president [Al Gore] and I have a disagreement about the use of troops. He believes in nation building. I--I would be very careful about using our troops as nation builders. I believe the role of the military is to fight and win war and, therefore, prevent war from happening in the first place. And so I take my--I take my--my responsibility seriously. --October 3, 2000
2001 (early): WE DON'T BELIEVE SADDAM IS A THREAT. When you took office in 2001, you sent your Secretary of State, Colin Powell, and your National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice, in front of the cameras to assure the American people they need not worry about Saddam Hussein. Here is what they said:
Powell: We should constantly be reviewing our policies, constantly be looking at those sanctions to make sure that they have directed that purpose. That purpose is every bit as important now as it was 10 years ago when we began it. And frankly, they have worked. He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors. --February 24, 2001
Rice: But in terms of Saddam Hussein being there, let's remember that his country is divided, in effect. He does not control the northern part of his country. We are able to keep arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt. --July 29, 2001
2001 (late): WE BELIEVE SADDAM IS GOING TO KILL US! Just a few months later, in the hours and days after the 9/11 tragedy, you had no interest in going after Osama bin Laden. You wanted only to bomb Iraq and kill Saddam and you then told all of America we were under imminent threat because weapons of mass destruction were coming our way. You led the American people to believe that Saddam had something to do with Osama and 9/11. Without the UN's sanction, you broke international law and invaded Iraq.
2003: WE DONT BELIEVE SADDAM IS GOING TO KILL US. After no WMDs were found, you changed your mind about why you said we needed to invade, coming up with a brand new after-the-fact reason -- we started this war so we could have regime change, liberate Iraq and give the Iraqis democracy!
2003: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Yes, everyone saw you say it -- in costume, no less!
2004: OOPS. MISSION NOT ACCOMPLISHED! Now you call the Iraq invasion a "catastrophic success." That's what you called it this month. Over a thousand U.S. soldiers have died, Iraq is in a state of total chaos where no one is safe, and you have no clue how to get us out of there.
Mr. Bush, please tell us -- when will you change your mind again?
I know you hate the words "flip" and "flop," so I won't use them both on you. In fact, I'll use just one: Flop. That is what you are. A huge, colossal flop. The war is a flop, your advisors and the "intelligence" they gave you is a flop, and now we are all a flop to the rest of the world. Flop. Flop. Flop.
And you have the audacity to criticize John Kerry with what you call the "many positions" he has taken on Iraq. By my count, he has taken only one: He believed you. That was his position. You told him and the rest of congress that Saddam had WMDs. So he -- and the vast majority of Americans, even those who didn't vote for you -- believed you. You see, Americans, like John Kerry, want to live in a country where they can believe their president.
That was the one, single position John Kerry took. He didn't support the war, he supported YOU. And YOU let him and this great country down. And that is why tens of millions can't wait to get to the polls on Election Day -- to remove a major, catastrophic flop from our dear, beloved White House -- to stop all the flipping you and your men have done, flipping us and the rest of the world off.
We can't take another minute of it.
Michael Moore
Friday, September 24, 2004
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1 comment:
You really are revealing yourself to be very two-dimensional, you know.
Your attack on Moore's weight is not original and typical blabber mouth right wing bullshit. In fact your whole letter is an exercise in delusions of grandeur parroting the talking points of a corrupt government. Did you call the 1-800 number or something?
If Bush wins you can be almost sure it will happen in Newark. He's created more terriorists than they've killed. Even Rumsfeld said that a while back.
C'mon! Even a hillbilly in Springville knows Bush had it in for Saddam before 9/11 and it just gave him an excuse. So stop trying to pretend it was anyway otherwise.
Nope, it was Rumsfield's idea for the mission accomplished sign. You really do make this up as you go along, don't you?
We ARE soft. We are overextended and Bush won't send any more troops just now-not with an election in a few weeks. Look at what Syria and Iran have been doing lately wit their saber rattling-just to taunt us. Iran had military exercises last week near the damn border!
Wait until after the election, then they will send even more donut eating guard units to die for...what? Freedom? Democracy? "there are people who can't stand the thought of a free and peaceful Iraq" Give me a break. So sophomoric. Oil and Halliburton profits is more like it but they keep the dumb public in fear of another attack so they can just keep on going.Lets not even get started on the draft. THAT will happen if Bush gets in. Got any kids draft age, Dan? I do!
I'll bet you're too close minded to even see F9/11. Is it because Rush told you not to?
Not badly written though. Our moron President couldn't written this. We're you brave enough to send this to Moore himself?
You really like that phrase ad hominem don't you?
Educate yourself Dan. Your guy is a moron controlled by evil people:
Bush Composite Movie (by yours truly):
Vote for a man, not a puppet (written by a conservative):
I'm not sure I missed this, but you remember our good friend Abu Musab Zarqawi. He's the guy suspected of beheading two Americans in Iraq this week. Well, what you may not have known is that all the way back in June of 2002 our lovely president had the chance to kill Zarqawi THREE TIMES and didn't do it. Why not? Because according to NBC, killing Zarqawi, and blowing up his secret weapons labs where he was making ricin and cyanide in northern Iraq, might have undercut the case for going to war and overthrowing Saddam. After all, if you can get the terrorists with a missile strike, there's no reason to invade an entire country.
Bush threatened to VETO legislation providing body armor to our troops
by John in DC - 9/20/2004 10:42:56 AM
Here's something I REALLY hope John Kerry and Senate Democratic candidates will use in their attack ads. EVERY GOP SENATOR save one voted AGAINST legislation sending body armor to our troops, and George Bush threatened to VETO the body armor legislation TWICE.
How did that happen? It happened when John Kerry voted FOR the legislation but the Republicans almost unanimously voted against it, and Bush threatened to veto it twice. The legislation (Biden amendment #1796 to S. 1689) had everything President Bush and the military wanted for Iraq, but on October 2, 2003 the Senate Republicans opposed it and President Bush threatened to veto it because it gave new federal employees union rights, something that has NOTHING to do with the body armor our troops dearly needed.
Oh, but it gets better than that. Bush also threatened to veto the final legislation EVEN AFTER the Biden amendment was defeated. Yes, Bush threatened to DENY BODY ARMOR TO OUR TROOPS simply because he disagreed with some arcane loan mechanism in the bill - see for yourself, from the administration's own letter threatening the veto:
[T]he Administration strongly opposes the Senate provision that would convert a portion of this assistance to a loan mechanism. If this provision is not removed, the President's senior advisors would recommend that he veto the bill.
So Bush threatened to veto the same bill he's now criticizing Kerry for not supporting.
Joe gets up at 6 a.m. and pours water into the
coffeemaker to start the morning. The water is
clean and good because some tree-hugging liberal
fought for minimum water quality standards.
With his first swallow of coffee, Joe takes his
daily medications, which are safe because at least
one stupid commie liberal fought to ensure they are,
and that they work as advertised. All but $10 of
Joe's medications are paid for by his employer's
medical plan thanks to a group of liberal union
workers who fought for paid medical insurance. Now,
Joe gets it too.
He prepares his morning breakfast -- bacon and eggs.
Joe's bacon is safe to eat because some
pro-feminist liberal fought for laws to
regulate the meat packing industry.
In the morning shower, Joe reaches for his shampoo.
His bottle is properly labeled with each ingredient
and its percentage of the total contents. Some
crybaby l! iberal fought for his right to know what
he was putting on (and in) his body.
Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath.
The air he breathes is clean because more than one
environmentalist wacko liberal fought for laws to
stop industries from polluting our air. He walks to
the subway station for his government-subsidized
ride to work. It saves him considerable money in
parking fees and it all came about because some
fancy-pants liberal fought for affordable public
Joe begins his work day. He has a good job with
very good pay, medical benefits, retirement, paid
holidays and vacation thanks to some lazy liberal
union members who fought and died for these working
standards. Joe's employer pays for these benefits so
the employer doesn't have to hassle with the union.
If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed,
he'll get a worker compensation or unemployment
check. That was the work of stupid liberals who t!
hought he shouldn't lose his home because of a
temporary misfortune.
It's noontime and Joe needs to make a bank deposit,
which is federally insured by the FSLIC because some
godless liberal wanted to protect Joe's money from
unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system
before the Great Depression.
Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae-underwritten mortgage
and his below-market federal student loan. Turns
out that a band of elitist liberals had decided that
Joe and the government would be better off if he
were educated and earned more money over his
Joe is home from work. He plans to visit his father
that evening at his farm home in the country. He
gets in his car for the drive. His car is among the
safest in the world because some America-hating
liberal fought for car safety standards. Joe
arrives at his boyhood home. His was the third
generation to live in the house, financed by
Farmers' Home
Administration since bankers didn't ! want to make
rural loans. The house didn't have electricity until
some big government liberal (FDR) stuck his nose
where it didn't belong and demanded rural
Joe is happy to see his father, who is now retired
and living on Social Security and a union pension.
This came about because some
wine-drinking, quiche-eating liberal made sure he
could take care of himself so Joe wouldn't have to.
Joe gets back in his car for the ride home, and
turns on a radio talk show. The radio host
repeatedly says that liberals are bad and
conservatives are good. The radio host forgets to
mention that his beloved Republican conservatives
fought against every protection and benefit Joe
enjoys throughout his day.
But Joe thinks the radio host is right: "We don't
need those big government liberals ruining our
lives! After all, I'm a self-made man
who believes everyone should take care of
themselves, just like I have."
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