It is amusing that the
libs in England are still trying to educate their younger siblings who still don't get Benny Hill. The only thing better for the Republicans would be if the French tried to teach us a few lessons about when and how to protect ourselves.
1 comment:,1,3327698.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions
Probably no American president in history has been so universally hated abroad as Bush: for his bullying unilateralism, his dismissal of international treaties, his reckless indifference to the aspirations of other nations and cultures, his contempt for institutions of world government, and above all for misusing the cause of anti-terrorism in order to unleash an illegal war — and now anarchy — upon a country that like too many others around the world was suffering under a hideous dictatorship but had no hand in the events of 9/11, no weapons of mass destruction and no record of terrorism except as an ally of the United States in a dirty war against Iran.
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