Monday, April 23, 2007

Iraq a Touchy Subject

I have not commented too much on the Iraq situation as it is unlikely that I (or commenters) can add much to the discourse. I received a lot of comments to my drawing attention to Reid's stance on the issue.

Oddly enough, none of the posters took issue with any of the substance of my comment that Reid is a defeatist that would have bailed out at Normandy.

One pointed out that war is unpopular. No big surprise there. A war like this one is even harder to grasp, and therefore unlikely to be as popular as responding to a nearby agressor. I don't beleive that Rasmussen should dictate when it is time to pull out. I trust in the generals and the people with their boots on the soil. Drudge has an intereting email from a purportedly from a soldier reacting to Reid's stance.

Another person drew a comparison to Viet Nam. That may be a better analogy. How did things go for the South Vietnamese when we pulled out?

We are in this war. You can debate all you want how we got there, but two presidents and a majority of both houses of congress believed that Iraq had WMDs and Bush and the two houses acted on that information. The most important question to be asking now is: should we pull out now (or in October or Arbor day or whatever).

In that context, when did we pull out of Germany? Japan? What would happen to Iraq if we left tomorrow?


Anonymous said...

DR.."Oddly enough, none of the posters took issue with any of the substance of my comment that Reid is a defeatist that would have bailed out at Normandy."

That was an asinine statment. Something Bill O'Reilly would say. Well, I did 'take issue' when I called it a poor analogy. We didn't create a civil in Normandy now did we?

Wow, I can't believe you're still on the WMD thing. That's so 2 years ago. Most agree Bush outright lied except for the handful (32%) of moronic neo-cons still out there holding on to their pathetic prehistoric beliefs. I dunno, maybe they have tiny genitalia and need to compensate for it with hate and fear mongering. You gonna talk about how we needed to topple Saddam because he gassed his people (with the chems we gave him)?

We're not talking about 2 Presidents and the house and Congress. We're talking about Bush and his flawed, cherry picked intelligence and the outright lies he used fool us all. He also took the authority away from Congress to wage war. He KNEW there were no WMD. Hell, he was planning this war before he even took office! He wanted the kingdom of Halliburton.

Yeah, South Vietnam went to hell after we left. Now it is fine, right? We lost that war too. Iraq may go to hell when we leave too. That's what happens when you plan poorly and invade a country for no reason.

He manipulated us all, even you. You don't need to continue to defend him, let it go. You will feel better over time. At least not a dumb when you finally see the truth. Let the lemming in you go free!

Anonymous said... compare any congressman's supposed position now to a war that happened 60+ years ago for very different reasons is wrong. 60 years ago, people built a plane a day for that war. The whole country was asked to sacrifice. Bush has asked nothing of us except to not focus on the dead. He must think we are all drinking his kool-aid.
Congress was lied to, the American people were lied to. Intelligence was fabricated. Yes, that's why they voted for it. And most dissenters of this pre-9/11 plan have been made to resign.
It is about time some of our leaders acted like leaders. It is not about is about unprecidented and unlawful invasion. The chaos we have now will be Bush's legacy but that doesn't mean we should stay there and continue to let our soldier's die. John McCain should rot in hell for his bizarre take on Iraq. Billions of dollars have gone missing. Private contractors do not abide by Geneva Conventions and are not accountable. Private companies making and wasting millions of dollars. Who do you think will pay for Bush's disaster? After these crazies are out of office, yes, the taxes will have to go up. Reality will set in...Our grandchildren will be paying for this. The deficit he created, the soldiers he cares nothing about, the reputation of this great country will take many years to fix. We lost. The chaos will happen whether we are there or not. I think the reason a small amount of people still hang on to this idea that there is something noble about staying there are kind of delusional...We are putting in unqualified, untrained soldiers now. That is all we have left.
If Bush had a concern at all about this country - post 9/11, the billions would have been spent on our ports and security, improving our intelligence and immigration issues and stopping Al Quaida - not improving their recruitment. Bush is a disaster to the world. He is so hooked into the oil he redlines Exxon reports. It's one lie after another....and no accountability. Time to read something other than Drudge.
What we have now is a spent army...70% returning with PTSD, being asked to return even when injured. New recruits have criminal records, are unqualified and untrained. There simply aren't enough soldiers left in this country to deal with any major disaster here. You didn't care about Iraq before this war....any more than you care about genocide in Sudan. You are showing loyalty to a base of imbeciles. I think these greedy, power-obsessed Neocons will be the last on the planet to understand we have no choice but to be humanitarian and think globally. All the while preaching Jesus...while we have lost our moral compass.

Anonymous said...

Good post! One correction; they produced a plane an hour!

Anonymous said...

"I trust in the generals and the people with their boots on the soil."

Weren't several Generals removed because they didn't agree with the agenda? Isn't it pretty unanimous with our ex-Generals that this is a disaster? And what about the Iraq Commission report?

"Drudge has an intereting email from a purportedly from a soldier reacting to Reid's stance."

Well of course...he can find one letter. Check out Read some horror stories. Then do something to support the troops.

Anonymous said...

Pretty funny! Looks like some people have been drinking Al Franken's Kool Aid.
Bush lied. It's all for Halliburton...what vacuous nonsense. Typical of what the left relies on to replace logic or argument!

Anonymous said...

Well..actually, some people just do research. This isn't about right or left. This is about facts. Why a Halliburton secretary needs a brand new humvee (when she can't go anywhere) and our soldiers remain ill-equipped in combat is beyond me. Watch Iraq for Sale....then do the research to see if it's true. Or you can just keep your head in the sand while the rest of us try to restore this government to accountability and know where our tax dollars go.

Anonymous said...

Loyalty to a party before loyalty to a country? I'm a republican, but I know this administration has put a bunch of unqualified liars in power who will do anything to protect their interests at our expense. How many of the world top scientists did it take to convince some of the GOP of our environmental problem? They seem to diss every expert out there, whether it's on intelligence or environment or what have you. Ron Paul for President!

Anonymous said...

Blackwater, Halliburton, Titan, Caci, KBR. Since our war is costing $80 billion a month...Wouldn't it be prudent to follow the money, as in who making it, who is spending it and how? And a great deal of money has disappeared....and no one can account for it. Are we making illegal transactions or just buying off terrorists? No one knows. Could it get any more mis-managed and un-Republican like- as this? I'm with Hagel.

Anonymous said...