Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Questions for Al Gore

Former Vice President Al Gore will visit the University at Buffalo area tomorrow.

Is it possible that the earth's temperature is more effected by the sun than any man made activity?

How much were emission reduced during 8 years of Clinton/Gore?

Does it seem at all hypocritical to call for reduction of energy consumption when in 2006 your home consumed over 220,000 Kwh - more than 20 times the national average?

Isn't it true that the incremental increase in our planet's temperatue predates factories and automobiles?

Help a skeptic - whom should we believe about a complex subject like this? A politician with a BA in Government, or a distinguished faculty member from the University of Pennsylvania?

Click here for some additional questions from someone far smarter than me.


Anonymous said...

Sure, tehre may be something to some of this. I'm a hellva lot more objective than you it seems. But it has been shown that virtually all the Gore critics linked to the scientific community have found to be paid by big industry or Rovian trolls whose main purpose in life is to discredit by any means possible. If you can't see this as their modus operandi by now then you have your head in the sand.

But let's play 'what if.' What if Gore is right on say a quarter of his premise. Should we just do absolutely nothing? Why not act as if we care at least and start some planning? Why? Cause it will cost the big companies too much money. Money they take out of your pockets sucker.

What if we find that the bees migration are in fact affected by cell phone. Will you give up yours? Will the lobbyists sell us out for their last buck while as the crops die worldwide?

Think about it instead of acting like the pot bellied, mean lout your words make you appear.

Dan said...

I am not sure what I said that appeared mean, but guilty on the pot belly...

The U Penn Prof is untouchable, as far as I know - no politics, and no puppet of oil.

I think there are plenty of good reasons for conservation, and I do some, but not enough. I just don't buy into the idea that someone who uses far more energy than I do should preach conservation to me.

I feel we could increase conservation efforts if the voices were a little less shrill, and there was more leadership by example.

Too soon to panic on the bees, but I get the point. It would be a tough call.

Anonymous said...

I don't like that the hyppocrisy either...But I can assure you, Gore is among the most distinguished climate scholars in the world on the subject. He has studied it since he was in college himself. And the world agrees with him. Forget your U of Penn professor...Denial is only making this harder.
Call him on his use...but don't brush him off in O'Reilly manner. Some of us will resent having to live with the results of your denial.

Anonymous said...

Gore's film is essentially a presentation. The facts are all there. Kind of dumb to ask questions he's already answered.