Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Keane Gets Desparate

You can tell that the Keane camp is nervous when they start outright lying about their opponent. This guy is just wrong for so many reasons . . .


Anonymous said...

Clark is a ‘Giambracrat’ and he went negative first.

Dan said...

Clark, Giambra and Keane are all Democrats. Giambra switched registration because he couldn't get the Dem endorsement and the GOP leadership were fooled.

Clark went negative first and Keane lied first.

Anonymous said...

Nope, no lies in Keane's ad.

Dan said...

No lies to those who fail to look. Google "Chair Democrats For Giambra" and see if you get any results that do not have the word Keane in them.

Keane is a time worn ward heeler whose desparation is showing. Clark is a CPA who, among supervisors is not bad. Griffin has a record of accomplishments longer than either one of them.