Friday, August 17, 2007

Privacy Concerns?

In both today's New York Times and today's Buffalo News decry the use of technology to fight crimes. To make their case, they cite privacy issues.

First of all, there is no "Right to Privacy" to be found anywhere in the Constitution that I have ever seen. Secondly, what presumption can I make about my privacy when I am walking out of a liquor store or into a sporting event?

While no one has seemed to notice, we already spend a fair amount of our day passing by cameras - at ATMs, in stores, even at the gas pump. You don't have to be a fan of "24" to know that there is no "privacy" in public.

On the other hand, if that technology can either help deter crime or help investigators put those responsible behind bars, isn't that a good thing?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I am not sure I fully understand this legisaltion. In fact, I have not read the bill. But regardless of whether this bill becomes law you cannot change the facts that the Erie Canal does not extend to Buffalo, nor can you change the fact that it once did.

In a state that is bleeding population and hemorraghing jobs, is this what our state officials should be spending their time on?


Donn Esmonde has something that he abhors more than Bass ProDonn Esmonde: Punishment for Sanchez seems lacking. I am going to have to re-read it, but somewhere between the lines I think I found an argumnet for the death pernalty....

More Warming

Let me preface this by saying that conservation in general, and energy conservation in particular is a prudent course of action. It is becoming clearer and clearer however, that the hysteria that Gore and others have whipped up is not necessary. The left can no longer hide behind the claim that not everyone who is not running around claiming that the sky is falling works for Halliburton.

Sunday, August 12, 2007