Saturday, April 01, 2006

Personal Responsibility

Here is another perfect example of the mind of the Democrats. In this case, a Congresswoman was mistreated "because she is black". It apparently had nothing to do with the fact that she avoided the metal detectors wearing no identification that she is a member of Congress, failed to stop after being called three times. She also apparently punched the officer as a "natural reaction".

Please . . .

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Anyone wonder why the new York Times' Readership is Falling?

The New York Times seems to think that it is a recent development for CNN personnel to show their bias on an issue. Does the name Eason Jordan ring a bell?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

You Have got to love this guy!

I am not sure anyone gives the downstream press agita like Antonin Scalia!

Luckily Sharon Stone didn't have any quarters . . .

They say you can't turn your head from your kids for five seconds and this story would seem to back that up. It would seem like it would take a little time for this boy to crawl up the toy chute, I won't comment on the parents as i have had some nighmarish experiences at Chuck E Cheese myself.

Be Careful Where You Shop

If you are at the mall with your daughter and you see Sharon Stone - my advice - walk the other way.