Tuesday, March 28, 2006

You Have got to love this guy!

I am not sure anyone gives the downstream press agita like Antonin Scalia!


Anonymous said...

Yes, real funny. A supreme court justice gives an obscene gesture after Mass on Church steps. Real fucking funny.


Anonymous said...

What's funny is when an ignorant press with a television viewers understanding of Italian views something that is contemptuous and dismissive as something obscene. Too much Donnie Brasco perhaps?...

Anonymous said...

So is it funny that the photographer who took the picture was fired? Free press, eh?

I hold my Supreme Court Justices to a higher standard. If I wanted that type of behaviour I'd have Larry Flynt on the bench.

Dan said...

There is a free Press. Firing an employee who is irresponsible helps insure it, wouldn't you say?

Anonymous said...

Who was irresponsible? The Justice coming out of church or the photographer doing his job? Where are your priorities?

Anonymous said...

Your selection of topics on this blog reveals yet another neocon with his head in the sand. Where's the discussion about the corruption in the Republican party, the no WMD, the lies that send us to war, to mane a few?

Your 'pot calling the kettle back' is indication of your ignorance to what is falling all around you.