Sunday, December 31, 2006

Conyers Should Resign

I hope that all the people who were calling for Tom Reynolds resignation will join me in calling for Conyers to resign. This may not rise to the level of Hevesi, but clearly he has broken the law and should resign.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Vite for Gino!

The NFL held this contest to pick the best Super Bowl commercial concept. Vote for Gino from St. Joe's.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Pataki - how about leading for a change?

Ex-federal prosecutor to review Hevesi - Business First of Buffalo: Are there really any gray areas here that he needs cleared up?

Thank You Carl paladino

I-190 tolls in rear-view mirror - Business First of Buffalo: of course all of the politicians now come out of the woodwork to support the removal. Kudos to Dave Swarts, but especially to carl paladino whose lawsuit made it happen.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Pelosi & Reid Must Resign!

It is circulating widely in Washington that both Pelosi and Reidknew of Webb's writings and yet they encouraged him to run anyway!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Friday, October 20, 2006

Where is Your Fitzpatrick now?

House Intel Chair suspends staff member - Yahoo! News

Partnership objects to passport card - Business First of Buffalo:

The Partnership misses the big picture. This shouldn't surprise anyone, but it really points out this areas desperate need for enlightened business leadership. Our elected leaders couldn't get much worse, but these guys aren't much better.

Anderson Cooper

This guy is shameless. My favorite part is where he describes their attempt to bring "the unvarnished truth". Give me a break. These soldiers are dying, protecting their right to abuse their freedom. Shameless...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Reynolds Haters are Getting Giddy!

Here’s an idea: Let’s lay out the rules for this point forward, and let’s hold everyone to that standard. Let's call out those who have been given a pass up until now.
A) When there are rumors that someone is sending homoerotic emails to an underling, anyone who hears the rumors should___________.
B) When someone has sex with an underling while in office they should______?
C) When someone in congress has a gay prostituion ring running out of their house they should_________?
D) When a sitting congressman actually has sex with a page (not just emails, but actual man-boy sex, those sitting in congress who know about it should_______?

If you are willing to fill in the blanks and live by it in the future, and take a stand on the past, then by all means we should condemn Reynolds for “not doing more”.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Interesting Dichotomy

Perhpas nothing sums up the differences between the two major parties than this. Scour the web, and look for quotes about the Foley issue that decry the behavior of a grown man having sexually related discussions with a minor. Put those in one pile. Then look for quotes about a "cover up" - you know, the "what did they know, when did they know it?" stuff. The look at the political party to whom the quotes are attributed, and then decide which is the party of politics, and which is the party of issues.

Monday, September 18, 2006

October's Must SeeMovie!

With Jon Heder

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A Reform Proposal

After yesterday's election, and the abysmally poor choices we were given I would like to make the following reform proposal:

Abolish the set salaries for our elected officials and replace them with a formula that would set their salaries at a level 10% higher than their last private sector W-2 form.

The current system, has given us politicians who are motivated by the money - the opportunity to earn a salary higher than they could ever earn anywhere else. People with talent find that the salaries are lower than what they can make in the real world, and noblesse oblige notwithstanding, they simply choose not to become involved in politics.

Let's look at our judges. I am not a lawyer, so I don't know who was on law Review etc. etc. but most of our judges are making more as judges than they were as attorneys. On the other hand, some of the people who I, as a pedestrian observer, would look to as the better legal minds in the community (Cambria, Condo, Vilardo, Dimitroff, Greene, Attea, Lippes, etc.) never throw their hats in the ring.

Our elected officials are the same. Think about all of our elected officials and ask yourself what was the last private sector job they had. Personally, I would rather have my taxes raised to pay $1,000,000 for someone like Bob Wilmers, Donna Fernandes, Carl Paladino, Don Boswell, Bill Greiner, Marsha Handerson, Danny Wegman or Tom Golisano, that pay for just about any of the people who "represent" me.

Before the election we would be informed what each of the candidates would "cost" us, and we could vote based on that knowledge. But why overpay for someone whose last real job was (fill in the blank with your favorite politician's background)when we could get them for pennies on the dollar based on this new system?

What do you think?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Primary Day

It is Primary day here in WNY.

If I could vote in every race:

Senate (D) Clinton (See, there is a scenario where I could vote for her)
(R) Spencer

State Senate 59 (R) Roberto (Is there ANY incumbent who deserves re-election?)
60 (D)Write in for ANYONE...I can't remember a time when there were three choices that are so poor.

Assembly 138 (D) Tough to say, but given the fact that DelMonte is an incumbent . . . not her...

City Court (D) Kuniniec

Astronauts Lose Bolt During Spacewalk

As a guy who spent plenty of time this weekend looking in my lawn for a bolt for the trampolineI imagine thus must be even more frustrating...k

Monday, September 04, 2006

Lockport Locks and Cave

Took a tour of the Lockport locks and underground cave.  Sometimes it can be a little depressing to live life in the past lane. The tour of the cave was fun. They do some haunted cave tours in October.  Posted by PicasaFor more information, click here.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Higgins Speaks out on International Affairs

Brian Higgins whose previous experience in International Affairs was a combination of trips to the International house of Pancakes and once for Chinese food in Fort Erie, has spent a couple of days in Africa and the Middle East, and has an approach that will solve the problems there. Thank God. He has done so much for the City of Buffalo, and the State of New York. With his track record, put him in charge of Iraq, and people will be moving out in numbers similar to what he did for us here.

Eliot Camera Shy?

I have never seen camera within a mile of Spitzer that he hasn't run toward, but all of a sudden he is sending his "Spokesperson" (Compare the number of quotes attributed to her in 2005 and compare to his - like he needs a spokespserson) to talk about his defense of the State putting it to WNY commuters. I get "attorney client privelege", etc , but what is his stance as a candidate?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

You have new Picture Mail!

And the...

And Then...

Written in Soap? on the Windshield and on the Passenger Window: Don't Forget to Turn off Lights!.

More than once has this thinker had to have her car jumped because of a dead battery...

Here's another Great one!

OK - This one says "I Think, Therefore I'm Liberal"...

Population losses are widespread across WNY - Business First of Buffalo:

This is not encouraging...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Schumer & Clinton Stand Up For Identity Theft

Wile this legislation is part of the immigration debate it is also worded so that someone could collect Social Security by commiting identity theft. Even if they reworked the law to take identity theft out of it, how could anyone vote to table a bill like this?

Ronald Reagan on Immigration

This article is interesting. My take on this issue is that we should do the following in order:
1 - Secure our borders. Frankly I am less concerned about Schictel's migrants or the Irish bartenders but if they can get in, so can Al Quaida
2) Stop the laws that coddle lawbreakers. I believe we should provide free medical care for any illegals who are here and who need it, but all other benefits should be revoked. Send all of them home to their countries of origin.
3) Increase the number of H1-B visas granted - maybe double the number.
4) The immigrants (like my ancestors) who helped build this country had to work hard, and they had to assimilate to the American culture. Utility companies did not offer their instructions in any language other than English. We should do the same now.

BTW - the Canadian Border is just as porous as the Mexican border.

A Nice Story

We don't often get these kinds of stories from the downstream media.This story about a Mayor from Iraq is pretty moving.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I thank God we have a President who is unmoved by polls. I disagree with him on some key issues, but I have a hard time reconciling this with this.

Lancaster schools get the most bang for the buck - Business First of Buffalo:

This research by Business First demonstrates that there is no simple cause-effect relationship between per pupil expenditures and results. It would be great if they included the Private Schools in these comparisons.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Nothing Beats Hypocrisy!

An interesting Combination of Bumper Stickers.
BTW, of course there was an Impeach Bush sticker as well...
So you can see it is the same car...

Obviously an animal lover...

Babies . . . not so much...

Good Riddance

I am not a big Tom Delay fan, but the ad hominem attacks from these wackos make me want to rethink my position. Their compilation seems to be made at least partially out of whole cloth. They quote each other, but then make it seem as if the quotes came from Delay when they did not (at least some). Most moving, perhaps, is the show of tolerance from one of the commenters:

"been smoking since age 6"
Posted by: rollo on Apr 4, 2006 4:17 PM [Report this comment]

The good news is, this greedy turd will die of cancer. K Street can't lobby the big C. You can't pray it away, and all your rich friends can't help you. He will be all alone with his God. Hope it works out, Hot Tub.

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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Colorado Schools

OK - let me get this straight - Black Trenchoats are perfectly acceptable in Colorado Schools, but we need to ban flags "for student safety"?

Business First of Buffalo: NY 2nd in public school spending - 2006-04-03

If only NY were second in achievement! Bookmark this article for every time Phil Rumore or the Superintendant or anyone else says that the answer to pur problems is more money. Meanwhile, Catholic Schools with test scores way above their public school counterparts are closing because the death grip the unions have on state legislators. It is criminal . . .

Monday, April 03, 2006

What are they drinking in Hollywood?

Sharon Stone's dismal sequel is being blamed on Bush, McCarthy et. al. Could it be that people want better movies? How many weeks after the nonstop Brokeback chatter, and now the poor Box office numbers for an almost parody movie is beacause the country is Puritanical? Please.

Buffalo News - UB shifting back to unionized custodians

This is an interesting story. Some well - meaning (although a bit naive) students, and a mix of a combination of equally well- meaning faculty as well as some garden variety kooks (forget about spring ahead - their clocks are set to 1969)at alma mater have effected change. While the well meaning ones wanted to support the cleaning staff at UB (some very nice people, BTW) their actions will probably put those same cleaners on unemployment. While the result of this decision is that UB will now employ union custodians, the reality is that the people in those jobs currently have no guarantee of getting those jobs. With friends like those . . .

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Personal Responsibility

Here is another perfect example of the mind of the Democrats. In this case, a Congresswoman was mistreated "because she is black". It apparently had nothing to do with the fact that she avoided the metal detectors wearing no identification that she is a member of Congress, failed to stop after being called three times. She also apparently punched the officer as a "natural reaction".

Please . . .

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Anyone wonder why the new York Times' Readership is Falling?

The New York Times seems to think that it is a recent development for CNN personnel to show their bias on an issue. Does the name Eason Jordan ring a bell?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

You Have got to love this guy!

I am not sure anyone gives the downstream press agita like Antonin Scalia!

Luckily Sharon Stone didn't have any quarters . . .

They say you can't turn your head from your kids for five seconds and this story would seem to back that up. It would seem like it would take a little time for this boy to crawl up the toy chute, I won't comment on the parents as i have had some nighmarish experiences at Chuck E Cheese myself.

Be Careful Where You Shop

If you are at the mall with your daughter and you see Sharon Stone - my advice - walk the other way.

Monday, February 20, 2006

There WAS Election Fraud After All

Although I doubt Frank Clarkwould have had the guts to prosecute, but more than a year after the fact, there will be convictions of election fraud and tampering from the 2004 elections.