Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Nothing Beats Hypocrisy!

An interesting Combination of Bumper Stickers.
BTW, of course there was an Impeach Bush sticker as well...
So you can see it is the same car...

Obviously an animal lover...

Babies . . . not so much...


Dan said...

yeah,, wait, now I get it. "It is ok to shove scissors into the skull of a baby - I mean if you don't like it, don't do it, but it is ok if I choose to, however, spay your dog so that we don't have to euthanize puppies."

Anonymous said...

You seem incapable of a logical debate just false choice or straw man arguments. The only choices are abortions or coat hangers? How about some modicum of personal responsibility?

Anonymous said...

ad hominem,ad hominem,ad hominem,ad hominem,ad hominem,ad hominem,ad hominem,ad hominem,ad hominem,ad hominem,ad hominem,ad hominem,ad hominem,ad hominem,

You like big words eh?

Yeah, let's make everyone personally responsible....and let's do it overnight! Get real.