Thoughts on life in Buffalo and beyond.
No Dan, trenchcoats are not allowed. Doing Fox news style of reporting?
You are entitled to have your opinion, but the facts are a different thing entirely. The Columbine shooters were allowed to wear their trenchcoates to school. Fox news - balanced. Unlike The downstream media...accurate.
The operative word being 'were.'
Exactly. So they were proactive about banning flags, but somehow the potential danger of sociopathic kids escaped them. Surprised?
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No Dan, trenchcoats are not allowed. Doing Fox news style of reporting?
You are entitled to have your opinion, but the facts are a different thing entirely. The Columbine shooters were allowed to wear their trenchcoates to school.
Like Fox news - balanced. Unlike The downstream media...accurate.
The operative word being 'were.'
Exactly. So they were proactive about banning flags, but somehow the potential danger of sociopathic kids escaped them. Surprised?
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