Friday, September 10, 2004

More convinced now than before

Given Dan Rather's awkward and weak defense and the challenges laid out for him to back up his flimsy story I am more convinced now than ever that CBS and Viacom are circling their wagons to protect whatever credibility CBS news has left.


Bd said...

God you are such a full of shit republican. You see the facts and still look for ways to lie your way out of it. Rather showed tonight that other confirmed documents released by the White House had the same type characteristics as the new document...and didn't the White House suddenly release those same documents the day after the 60 Minutes report? Duh!

Bd said...

White House AGAIN refuses to say memos are fake
by John in DC - 9/10/2004 08:07:32 PM

'We don't know if the documents are fabricated or authentic,' McClellan told reporters...AGAIN the White House today refused to say the memos are fakes. Which can only mean that the content in the memos is true, whether or not the memos themselves are real. That's the only reason the White House would not come out and call the documents a fake. If Bush didn't receive a direct order to get a physical, then he'd have known it and could easily say "that document is a fake." If you produced a memo saying I'm really an Irish Setter, then I could quite easily tell you the memo is a fake, or at the very least the memo is a lie (i.e., perhaps the memo is real but the guy who wrote it is nuts). But the White House isn't going there. They refuse to even say if THE CONTENT OF THE MEMO is wrong. And the only reason for that is because they either fear the content is correct or because they KNOW the content is correct.

This is the fact people should be rallying around. Why won't the White House confirm or deny the facts as stated in those memos? Simply ask Bush the question: Are the facts in the memos true or false?

PS Note AP's ratrher pissy little response to CBS' proof that another White House document, previously authenticated by the White House, ALSO contains one of those raised "th"s. The AP responds, well THAT raised "th" was in a different font than the raised "th" in the CBS memo. Huh? Yes, and what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? The issue was that, supposedly, it was impossible for a raised "th" to have exist

Dan said...

That is typical Democrati lazy thinking. The White House has not said they were fake, so they must be real. All of a sudden you are believing the White House, even if they haven't said anything! The other memos have a raised type - something you can do by adjusting the return for two characters. To have two different font sizes as the allegedly real documents show requires something altogether different. Let's see if anyone responds to the reward. Rather may be washed up after this one.