Friday, October 01, 2004

Too Long

I think the most compelling thing about the debate last night was that it was too long. Sixty minutes would have been plenty.

They both pretty much reiterated their stump speeches.

The President looked tired and at times testy.

Kerry looked effete at times, but I am sure he appeared Presidential to many for the first time.

Both had minor missteps and scored some minor points. I think the "global test" line could haunt Kerry - he gives the impression of someone who will look to France for leadership.

He may also have put too much emphasis on finding Bin Laden. He will look pretty foolish if his corpse turns up in the next 30 days.

I look forward to Cheney & Edwards and hope for more....

1 comment:

Bd said...

I agree, too long-for Bush. It's been stated that he brought 30 seconds of material to a 2 hour debate. At times he was hard pressed to fill the 2 minutes given to respond to urgent materrs of national security. He IS a joke.