Sunday, October 17, 2004

Young Voters

It is encouraging to see that young voters appear to be registering in larger numbers. If they actually vote, it might mean that they will no longer be taken for granted. As this article implies young voters are expected to tilt towards Kerry. With no pun intended, that may be because they are not terribly well educated yet. If they were, they would look past the scare tactics of the Democratic party and Rock the Vote accusing the President of wanting to bring back the draft. When they pull back the curtain they will find that the legislation to bring back the draft was sponsored by 13 Democrats and no Republicans. They would also, with a little research, find that not only is it Dems who would like the draft to return, but it was a Democratic Governor who thought even though they were considered old enough to die in a war, they are not mature enough to drink.


Bd said...

Well, our C average, idiot President said it himself:
"My opponent seems to be willing to say almost anything he thinks will benefit him politically," he said. "After standing on the stage, after the debates, I made it very plain we will not have an all-volunteer army." -- George W. Bush, Oct 16, 2004

By the way, studies have shown that more educated people vote for Kerry. Why do you think Bush is going after the moron vote with his campaign of hate and fear?

Dan said...

Studies also show that most people with jobs prefer Bush. Eminem, Carrot Top, P Diddy and Barbra Streisand prefer Kerry, however.