Saturday, November 05, 2005

Is the Wind out of Their Sails?

It is interesting to see that the confirmation of Judge Alito is almost two weeks away, and yet some of the MSM libs like Eleanor Clift are already backing off the Alito battle. Clift, while echoing the standard "Bush Lied" BS is trying to keep her powder dry given the awaited retirement of John Paul Stevens.

She is right on some of her points, but I don't think she or her ilk are going to have any more luck when the Stevens vacancy occurs, perhaps as soon as this summer.

The President now be at a low point in terms of his popularity, but that has much more to do with the drumbeat in the MSM about Iraq as well as non-stories like Libby, oil profits, etc. He is still spot-on when it comes to issues relating to SCOTUS vacancies.

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