Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech

There is little to add to this story. A couple of observations though. First of all, this could happen anywhere. The criticism of the school is, in my opinion, premature. Hindsight is 20-20, but it appears that as soon as they knew that there was a continuing danger, they acted to spread the word. When all the details emerge, then one can form an informed opinion.

A second point is that an event like this, and more importantly , the way it is reported, tells us a great deal. Check back hereWBEN 930 : Local News : On-Demand Audio to see if they post the liveline interview with the CBS reporter on the scene. This guy was unbelievable. First he goes on about how puzzling it is that this "foreign student" could do anything so "american" as committing mass murder. This of course is based on his amazing knowledge of the correlation between playing "cowboys and indians" and "cops and robbers" with homicide.

He also showed how out of touch he is when he pointed out that before the university sent out the mass email that they were text messaging students, but that "it's not like students can check their text messages during class" Helloooo?!

Note - most of the above quotes should have "air quotes" because, the link has not yet been posted, so I can't quote him verbatim. Once it is posted (if) then we can see how close I was.

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