Saturday, July 31, 2004

Don't look for this story in the Post!news


Bd said...

Well, no one ever accused military personnel of being terribly smart. They are trained to obey orders blindly and live for the day they can go to war. That’s the way a good armed forces should be, after all. The fact is Kerry was a war hero and Bush was AWOL. Bush lied and thousands died. For what? Even the best argument is flawed. You know, the one where we freed a society of a brutal dictator who gassed his own people. Well, we left them high and dry in 1991 after we told them to rise up against Hussein. He also used gas which we gave him.

As it turns out, there are WMD’s in Iraq after all-ours!

Dan said...

If you are accusing the Democratic nominee of not being smart, I would take offense. He is at least smart enough to choose someone better than himself for VP.

C'mon - ad hominem attacks get us nowhere. "Bush lied"? Please! Using the underlying logic, you lied when you said Bush lied. You cannot lie unless you make a statement you know to be false - for examples, see Bill Clinton's " I did not have sexual relations with that woman" or more recently, from his book - My wife was named after Sir Edmund Hillary - an interesting idea, given the fact that Ms. Clinton was born in 1947 and Hillary climbed Everest in 1953!!

There were WMD's in Iraq, in fact a shell with Sarin gas was used against our troops.See

Please check your facts before you vent.

Bd said...

Geez, you're the perfect example of 'ad hominem'. I could go on ‘ad nauseum’ about short sighted people like you.

Only traces or gas were found. Traces that could've been 10 years old. And let me remind you that these are our shells and our gas which we gave them. The article says nothing about it being used against our troops; "Duelfer says insurgents may use such weapons on U.S. troops" Did you know Reagan gave Hussein his first anthrax spore? Where do you get your information from? Rush Limbaugh? Leave it to a conservative to always try to blame it on the Clintons. I believe in "the buck stops here” principle and Bush is to blame for the mess we are in and our low standing in the world because of it. Bush has created thousands of Bin Ladens by his reckless, actions.

Bush and company are a bunch of incompetent, fear mongers who will damage this country more than he already has if he is reelected. Bush himself is a swaggering moron who recently boasted at a college commencement address he gave that he was a C student could. ( His daddy got him into Yale. Kerry is light years beyond Bush in the smarts department. People like Bush because they are inherently afraid of smart people. Were are a nation of morons. Take the public's dislike of Hillary Clinton for example. It’s the high school educated white males who hate her because she is a smart woman. They are intimidated by her. People say Bush is the person whom they mostly likely would have a beer with. Well, I don’t want that type of person in charge of the future of this nation. I want someone I can look up to.

Have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11 yet? Or are you one of those so brainwashed by the half truths and distortions of news sources like FOX that you won't see it out of some worn out principle? I’ll send you the money if you won’t pay for it yourself. Every patriot should see it. Morre connect the dots very well.

I’m curious. What's the most recent political book you’ve read? If you say Ann Coulter, I give up!

Anyway. You’re in a state that will go to Kerry. On election day, I will personally consider my vote as canceling yours.

Bush Lied, Thousands Died

Dan said...

First of all, it doesn't matter if it was 10 years for 100 years old, the fact is that the UN had ordered that they be destroyed and they were not.

Secondly, although there is no mention in the CNN story of it, the round exploded by a US Convoy.
Iraq never accounted for their weapons. Accounts say they had stockpiles of ammunition that were immense. The UN did nothing to enforce their own resolutions until we forced the case.

Bush killed 1,000 future Bin Laden's. He created none. Weakness breeds contempt and emboldens a foe. Strength is a deterrent. Our flaccid response to the first WTC attempt inspired our enemy, as did the Reagan's response to the bombing in Beirut. Did Churchill embolden Hotler or did Chamberlain? I am not interested in a President who puts France or the UN ahead of the US. And I can respect Howard Dean who has been steadfast in his opposition to the war. The Dem nominee who supported the War, but opposed its funding is not terribly inspiring.

No one party is perfect. Bush and other Republicans have made plenty of mistakes. Certainly cozying up to Hussein may have seemed like a good idea when he was fighting Khomenini (The enemy of my enemy is my friend argument)however in retrospect was clearly a mistake.

I believe Bush was seeking to inspire other C students with his speech, just as Bill Gates is an inspiration to college dropouts. Kerry seems no less intelligent than Bush to me, and the same arguments can be made regarding either of these two children of privelege.

I respectfully disagree -I don't think we are a nation of morons. I don't think the antipathy toward Hillary comes froma fear of her intellect but from a fear of her motives.

The last political book I read was Hard America, Soft America by Michael Barone. I am halfway through Woodward's latest book and find it very interesting. What are you reading? If you say Al Franken, I'll give up! ;-)

I may get around to seeing 9/11, but not until I've seen Anchorman and White Chicks, which at least have plausible premises.


Bd said...

You distort the truth and run with half truths. Kerry voted against the funding as a protest. Bush and company wanted a blank check and look what Halliburton did with much of it. Duh. If you look hard you will see that much of Kerry’s voting record against military funding was for defunct equipment and was virtually the same as Dick Cheney's voting record. And if you look real hard you will see that Bush is a bigger flip flopper than conservatives profess Kerry to be. And I don’t know where you get Kerry will put France and the UN ahead of the US? That just sounds like it’s straight out of Rush’s mouth. I listen to him occasionally just to get a laugh out of his lies.

Saddam killed innocent people not terrorists. There are no WMD;s in Iraq and Bush knew it. The Iraqis are guilty of not keeping records, that’s all. Gimme a break, kurds as terrorists? Have you seen the movie Three Kings with George Clooney? Rent it. We should have let the weapons inspectors finish the job before rushing to war and letting Bin Laden escape. We had more police in NYC than military in Afghanistan!

"We will not hesitate to discredit you." Vice President Dick Cheney to Chief Weapons Inspector Hans Blix, before he began his job. as Vice President in 2000. From an article in February 9 2004 Newsweek:

I have read Al Franken and you should also. If you won’t see F911 then read “House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship Between the World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties” -- by Craig Unger” or “Sleeping with the Devil : How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude” by Robert Baer. You will see how the Saudis have us by the balls and how going after Iraq was more of a measure to ensure oil flow to this country than so called ‘liberation’. I really hope you aren’t buying that crap about Saddam and Al Qaeda ties, or Saddam was an international terrorist. Bin Laden hated him and he pretty much kept to himself. When he invaded Kuwait in 91, he let the US know he was going to do it as way of judging our response. When we said nothing back he took it as a green light and was stunned with the US response. He was set up after we backed him in the Iran/Iraq war. The Bush family, Cheney and the boys are corrupt beyond belief and one doesn't have to watch much of ‘W’ to see that he is a dim wit.

You seem to be parroting the talking points we get on Fox with no real substance or facts. Geez, am I the only one who reads your blog? I wonder why...?