Thursday, September 15, 2005

Anyone want to make a wager?

I am willing to wager a Krispy Kreme Doughnut that
Byron Brown's car was parked illegally at the time. This is so typical of these entrenched Politicians who believe they are so above the law that they do not have to live with the daily hassles that confound us mortals. The first person to tell me I am wrong (and prove it) will get the doughnut. The fact is, I have seen his car (NY State Senate License Plates) parked illegally in front of the convention center on numerous occasions.

Incidentally - this is a perfect story for Kevin Helfer to make hay. The Buffalo Civic Auto Ramps constantly have to contend with politicians and reporters like Donn Esmonde who get to park anywhere they feel like it, or in Esmonde's case, in free parking adjacent to their office. Brown is clearly a member of the sheltered political elite and is the poster child for the status quo.

Text of Story

A car registered to State Sen. Byron W. Brown suffered damage to its front bumper and right headlight in what Central District police are labeling a case of criminal mischief.
Brown told police that the car was parked on Court Street, near his legislative office, from 10 a.m. to 8:45 p.m. Thursday, when the damage was discovered.
The car, which bears a New York State legislator's license plate, sustained more than $250 damage, according to police reports.

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