Thursday, September 15, 2005

Burt Who?

For those of you old enough to remember himanother Heavyweight - Burt Bacharach has weighed in.

My favorite comment from that site:

I'm sure the National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Watch Center
would like to tap Burt's brain to figure out how he knew and where he read so
many months ago that New Orleans would be hit by such a massive hurricane!

He is obviously so much smarter than the rest of us in that he knows about
global weather patterns, global warming, domestic and defense funding and, most
likely, even judicial nominations. President Bush should resign immediately
and ask Burt to be president.

When Burt takes office, I'll bet Osama, Zarqawi, and Iran would immediately
give up their quests for a world caliphate under Islamo-fascist rule, sue for
peace and then ask their new friend, ol' President Burt Bacarach, to accompany
them as they sit around a blazing fireplace in Hollywood (he could ask Barbra,
Sean Penn, Alec or one of the other 'It Takes a Village' idiots that inhabit
Hollywood) and sing "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" or some other mindless
ditty. Funny thing, however, I don't think God (or 'Mother Nature' if you
don't believe in God) will join in the sing-a-long . . . .

Burt just needs to go back to writing songs that nobody cares to listen to
anymore and then slink back under his "peace shield" with Cindy Sheehan so the
"Bad Bush Boys and Girls" won't hurt them anymore! Burt, a word of
advice--just grow up and realize we're in a war with people who want to kill
us. The weather doesn't discriminate and neither do terrorists!

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